Yellowstone Part 1
The granddaddy of them all, the place that created a seismic
shift in the concept of public lands, the national park that defies comparison
to any other among America’s best idea, Yellowstone National Park includes bubbling
mud, softly cascading creeks, wildlife and clusters of eager tourists ogling
them, powerful gushes of hot water and steam forcing their way up through the
earth, and contrasting flows of turquoise water tumbling into golden canyons. If every blogger, every author, every
photographer, and every artist captured its magnificence in prose or paint or
print or pictures, it still would be inadequate to capture the ambiance and
awestruck grandness of its beauty. Nonetheless,
we try.
My return visit cuts through the center of the park. In from the west, out through the east, and
thereby I easily boast having experienced all five viewpoints, of which others
may only see one or two. The harder
dilemma, however, the challenge of the prioritization of one view over another
perplexes me. As vastly different as the
terrain and natural features encompass the overall park, each passageway offers
drastically varied experiences to me.
While in Yellowstone, a single human may see a grizzly bear, may
photograph a galloping buffalo, may witness the speed of a gray wolf skirting
through grasses taller than the mammal itself, may hear the bugle of an elk
before its presence is visible through a grove of aspens, and each creature’s
presence captivates and alters the viewpoint of the visitor.
Like a majestic island in the Wyoming wilderness, five
entrances allow the teeming multitudes of gawkers to reach Yellowstone’s
scenery. Open year round, the northern
entrance accesses its famous stone arch proclaiming the words of Teddy
Roosevelt, “For the benefit and enjoyment of the people,” and at the opposite
end, seasonal tourists pass smoothly between Coulter’s Hell and the Grand
Tetons, but my introduction to Yellowstone National Park, while including these
routes, began after scraping the sky along the Beartooth Pass, which winds its
way between Montana and Wyoming through the Custer National Forest. When aspiring to a final resting place, skip
the pearly gates and ask for the Beartooth entrance to heaven.
Yellowstone Part 2
Likewise the entrances display the power of an earthquake,
the grandeur of approaching cragged mountains, the tranquility of a lake
leading to watersheds of the Atlantic Ocean, the statement of a visionary
president, and the perilous twists and turns and gasps reaching above twelve
thousand feet in the air. Pick a portal
and find your favorite; choose one or two paths into and out of the natural
brilliance of Yellowstone National Park.
Be bold and tackle them in progression over years or over a summer. Drive away from one view and promise yourself
to return to another. Above all else,
get yourself to Wyoming and choose your gateway into heaven.